Cardigan Badminton Club held its first junior friendly tournament at the end of August.

The event, which took place on Wednesday, August 28, saw 23 young players compete in two groups.

It marked the second anniversary of junior badminton starting in Cardigan, as before 2022, there were no facilities for junior badminton in the county of Ceredigion.

The club has grown significantly, and the tournament was a way to reward the junior members for their dedication.

Each participant played against six other teams, with spot prizes given throughout the evening.

After the matches, everyone enjoyed pizzas and cookies.

The juniors also showcased their new club shirts, funded by the Poundland Foundation, which provides grants for kids' sports clubs to buy matching kits.

Junior club nights are held on Mondays from 6pm to 7pm at Newcastle Emlyn Leisure Centre, and Wednesdays from 6pm to 7pm at Cardigan Leisure Centre.