India’s coronavirus cases climbed again, prompting the army to open up its hospitals in a desperate bid to control a massive humanitarian crisis created by an acute shortage of beds, medicines and oxygen.

With 386,452 new cases, India now has reported more than 18.7 million since the pandemic began, second only to the United States.

The Health Ministry on Friday also reported 3,498 deaths in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 208,330.

Experts believe both figures are an undercount, but it is unclear by how much.

Battling to find hospital beds, distraught people are flooding social media and messaging apps with heartbreaking pleas for oxygen, medicines and room in intensive care units.

(PA Graphics)
(PA Graphics)

India’s army chief M.M. Naravane met with the country’s prime minister Narendra Modi on Thursday to discuss the crisis.

Mr Naravane said the sick can approach their nearest army hospitals for help.

Troops were also assisting with imported oxygen tankers and vehicles where specialised skills are required, a government statement said.

India has set a daily global record for more than a week with an average of nearly 350,000 infections.

Daily deaths have nearly tripled in the past three weeks, reflecting the intensity of the latest surge.

In the most populous state of Uttar Pradesh, a school teachers’ organisation said that more than 550 members have died after they were infected with Covid-19 while helping conduct local council elections this month, the Times of India newspaper reported.

Experts have blamed the surge on new, more contagious virus variants and mass public gatherings such as political rallies and religious events that were allowed to continue.

On Thursday, millions voted in state elections in West Bengal with little or no regard to social distancing.

In the southern state of Karnataka, Revenue Minister R. Ashoka said nearly 2,000 coronavirus patients under home care have switched off their phones and cannot be traced.

Relief supplies from the United States (Prakash Singh/AP)
Relief supplies from the United States (Prakash Singh/AP)

Police were trying to track them as they might be seeking hospital admission on their own, he said.

In central Madhya Pradesh state, three villages in Balaghat district have pooled money to convert buildings into Covid-19 care centres.

They have purchased oxygen concentrators and started admitting patients.

Government doctors are visiting the facilities twice a day.

India plans to step up a faltering vaccination drive by allowing all adults 18 and older to get their jabs from Saturday.

It has so far administered 150 million vaccine doses, according to the health ministry.

Since January, nearly 10% of Indians have received one dose, but only around 1.5% have received both, though India is one of the world’s biggest producers of vaccines.

A health worker checks nasal swab samples at a Covid-19 testing centre in Hyderabad, India (Mahesh Kumar A/AP)
A health worker checks nasal swab samples at a Covid-19 testing centre in Hyderabad, India (Mahesh Kumar A/AP)

Health minister Harash Vardhan expressed hope that assistance being sent by over 40 countries will plug the shortage in medical supplies.

The United States is sending more than 100 million US dollars worth of items, including 1,000 oxygen cylinders, 15 million N95 masks and one million rapid diagnostic tests.

Japan said on Friday it will send 300 ventilators and 300 oxygen concentrators in response to the Indian government request.

“Japan stands with India, our friend and partner,” the foreign ministry said.

France, Germany, Ireland and Australia have also promised help, and Russia sent two aircraft carrying oxygen generating equipment.

The Indian air force also airlifted oxygen containers from Singapore, Dubai and Bangkok.