A community group trying to breath new life into a much-loved local park has criticised the county council for ‘scant cooperation’ and lack of communication.

The Friends was set up earlier this year to revitalise Netpool Park in Cardigan.

The group has a bulb planting and awareness day on Saturday, November 9, and says It has great support from the community and Cardigan Town Council.

However, it says that lack of communication and cooperation from Ceredigion County Council are slowing down progress in terms of replacing some of the park’s dilapidated equipment.

Friends chairperson Rose Barter says it has got to the point where they have asked the town council if it would consider taking back ownership from the county council.

Recently representatives form Cardi Shed, who have offered to work with the Friends to repair and renew all the existing benches, were shocked at the state of equipment much used by local young people, deeming them both beyond repair.

The park’s picnic table and the gazebo have been condemned.

Rose said that the Friends has been waiting since July for a licence from the county council to replace a broken bench and put up a memorial bench but have heard nothing despite frequent reminder emails.

“Although the town council has been very supportive, with Councillor Elaine Evans meeting with representatives from the Ceredigion County Council Estates Department to negotiate how the Friends can really make a difference to the park through upgrading the benches, picnic area and playground, there has been scant cooperation from the county council,” she said.

“The county council is not on the spot and therefore it’s very difficult to get a response from them.

“We have the grant money, we have local interest and enthusiasm but we are unable to act until this is sorted out. It’s very frustrating.”

Following enquiries by the Tivyside Advertiser, Ceredigion County Council said that the authority has now been in touch to confirm the bench replacement.

“Officers have now replied to the person making the requests to confirm the benches can be replaced subject to a short agreement around some of the details,” said a council spokesperson.

“Given other priorities and budget constraints, it is not possible to deal with some enquiries quickly especially where they involve property and have longer term implications in terms of maintenance.”

Asked whether the possibility of a handover of the park to the town council was something that the county council would consider, the spokesperson said: “The council is happy to work with town and community councils should they ask to take responsibility for areas within their boundaries.”