A west Wales football club, running from more than 150 years, is seeking permission for a storage facility, so it can look after its only asset, its pitch.

In an application to Ceredigion County Council planners, Robert Davies of Cardigan Town Football Club is seeking permission to site a steel storage container at the King George VI playing fields, Cardigan for pitch maintenance equipment.

The club, established in 1870, has no clubhouse or other means of storing the equipment.

A supporting statement by Mr Davies, a sponsor and committee member of Cardigan Town FC, says: “On behalf of Cardigan Town Football Club, I would wish to take this opportunity to explain why, as a club, we are asking for permission to locate a storage unit for the club on the King George field.

“The club was formed in 1870 and has played on the King George since the facility was created for the town and has taken great pride in looking after the football pitch which serves its senior and junior sections with over 140 members. This success in turn has created its own problems in being able to look after our only playing pitch by means of fertiliser and nurturing and cutting the grass.

“To continue to do this the club is investing in a ride-on mower and roller with air spikes to help keep the pitch in the best condition possible, hence our need to store this equipment in a safe place away from the general public and harm.”

It is planned to use a green storage container for the equipment, with trellis fencing, covered with ivy and honeysuckle to allow it to blend in.

The statement adds: “The property directly opposite the proposed location will not be affected until these planters grow as there is a large tree in its view line; we are conscious of the fact our new storage unit will become an asset to the area, not detrimental.

“As a club, we have no clubhouse and no other means of enabling the club to move forward unless we can look after our only asset, our football pitch, hence our request to locate a storage facility for our equipment.”

The application will be considered by county planners at a later date.