This is the face of a young father who punched another man unconscious to the floor, breaking his jaw in two places in an unprovoked assault.

Brennin Davis was sentenced to 33 months in prison at Swansea Crown Court earlier this month. He had admitted two offences, one of unlawful wounding and another of inflicting GBH with intent.

Judge Mr Recorder A Eardley handed down a 33 month prison sentence for the GBH offence with six months to run concurrent for the wounding.

At the sentencing hearing the court was shown shocking CCTV footage of Davis, 21, of Glan y Mor Aberaeron, outside Hollywood Pizza on Pier Street, Aberystwyth at 4am on Sunday, July 16, last year.

Outside the takeaway were two men standing talking with a group of friends.

Before launching a completely unprovoked attack Davis moved his friend’s arm out of the way, in order to get a better swing. He then punched one of the young men unconscious to the pavement, breaking his jaw in two places.

When another man went to help the injured victim, Davis turned on him, raining down blows in quick succession and wounding him above his right eye which caused him to need stitches.

The court heard that neither of the men knew Davis and that the attack was completely unprovoked.

In victim impact statements both men said that they had had to have time off work because of their injuries. The man whose jaw Davis had broken had had difficulty eating and talking and had been unable to play rugby or attend his grandfather’s 88th birthday party.

His friend had suffered blurred vision for days. He said that the assault was always on his mind when he went out.

The court was told that Davis had no previous convictions or cautions and was a ‘softly spoken, articulate young man’ who was out with friends that night who were ‘looking for a fight’.

Defence barrister James Hartson said that Davis was ‘in a heightened emotional state’ that night having recently separated from the mother of his child and suffered the loss of a friend but that ‘none of that excused his actions’ which were out of character.

After he had committed the unprovoked assault, Davis had been assaulted by others at the scene and had ended up in hospital himself.

As well as the 33 month prison sentence, Judge Mr Recorder imposed a five year restraining order, preventing Davis from contacting one of his victims.