Ceredigion County Council has endorsed a plan to help the county become more eco-friendly.

The Local Area Energy Plan (LAEP) was created with the help of various stakeholders and paid for by the Welsh Government.

It aims to help Ceredigion transition to an energy system that produces net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Powys County Council has also endorsed its own LAEP.

The plan outlines several priority projects, including the installation of 86,000 heat pumps across Mid Wales by 2050.

Other initiatives include upgrading 61,400 homes with better insulation and double glazing, and developing smart energy systems to use electricity in an efficient, flexible way.

This would help lower energy bills, boost renewable energy ownership, and curb the need for network upgrades.

Aberystwyth has been earmarked as the best location for a district heat network in Mid Wales.

The LAEP also highlights the need for charging infrastructure to meet the predicted increase in electric vehicles across the region.

It estimates that an extra £1.95 billion investment is necessary for Mid Wales to achieve net zero, with 40 per cent of this directed towards domestic property upgrades.

The plan also acknowledges the importance of addressing the region's skills gap to ensure the successful implementation of efficiency measures and installation of heat pumps and solar panels at scale.

According to the LAEP, 995 new jobs could be created locally by 2050.

The document also identifies the potential for Mid Wales to generate a significant amount of renewable electricity, but stakeholders insist that the benefits, such as shared ownership and lower bills, should be local.

Councillor James Gibson-Watt, leader of Powys County Council, and Councillor Bryan Davies, leader of Ceredigion County Council, co-chairs of the Growing Mid Wales Board, said: "The LAEPs provide a robust framework for our region to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

"They align with our broader goal of creating sustainable, green, and well-connected communities.

"We look forward to working with all stakeholders to bring this vision to life."

The endorsement of the LAEPs marks a major step forward in the region's journey towards net zero.

The plans will be updated regularly to reflect technological advancements and policy changes, ensuring their effectiveness in achieving long-term sustainability goals.

The regional energy initiative is being led by Growing Mid Wales, who play a key role in uniting stakeholders across the region to facilitate the transition to net zero, as well as supporting local authorities in leading by example.

The LAEPs for each county can be viewed on the Growing Mid Wales website.