A man who admitted assault, strangulation, making threats to kill and theft, all in relation to a 17-year-old girl, has been sentenced at Crown Court.

Kieran Balmont, now 21, of Maes Cader in Pencader, was due to stand trial at Swansea Crown Court in July accused of eight offences against the same victim.

He changed his pleas to guilty on the day of his trial.

Balmont was charged with three offences of assault occasioning actual bodily harm relating to incidents last year in June, on August 3, and over September 26 and 27.

He was also charged with strangulation and making threats to kill, as well as two charges of theft – relating to the woman’s phone and bank card. These offences took place over September 26 and 27 last year.

At a previous hearing, the court heard that the victim in the case was 17 years old.

At a sentencing hearing yesterday Balmont was handed down a 12 month prison sentence, suspended for 18 months.

He was also ordered to undertake 30 days of rehabilitation activity requirement, 200 hours unpaid work and was ordered to attend a Building Better Relationships course for 31 days.

The judge also imposed a three-year restraining order to protect Balmont’s victim.