A young farmer and former abattoir worker sent messages to, who he thought were, 12 year old girls, asking them of them to meet up with him for sex.

Dafydd Evans, 28, of Llanllwni, appeared at Swansea Crown Court on Thursday, September 19 to be sentenced for two counts of attempting sexual communication with a child.

The court heard that on February 26 this year Evans had been messaging what he believed was a 12-year-old girl online. The child was in fact a police decoy.

Evans asked the girl how old she was and when she replied 12 he said ‘too young’. However, he went onto ask the girl if she thought about sex and if she masturbated. He asked her if she was aroused and if she wanted to have to have intercourse with him. He also asked her if she wanted to skip school to have sex.

Two days later, on February 28, he messaged another child, who again unbeknownst to him was a police decoy.

He asked her if she wanted to skip school and have sex with him. He asked if she wanted him to use a condom, adding that she would like it if he didn’t wear one. The ‘girl’ replied that she didn’t know how to have sex and Evans said that he would teach her. He asked her how long it would take him to go and collect her.

In each case Evans asked the girls for a photo and sent one of himself.

Evans was arrested on February 29. The court heard that the young farmer who is now a carer for a family member had no previous convictions or cautions.

James Hartson, defending, said that his client maintained that he had had a black out and had no recollection of the conversations. However, he accepted that nobody else had access to his phone and that he was the author.

He added that Evans was suffering from acute depression at the time, having lost his father and grandfather within months of each other in 2023, however, this did not excuse his behaviour.

He said that Evans had a childhood diagnosis of dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism and ADHD.

Judge Mr Recorder A Eardley handed down six months in prison for each count, suspended for two years.

He ordered Evans to take part in 20 days of rehabilitation activity and 100 hours of unpaid work. He imposed a seven year a sexual harm prevention order preventing Evans from having contact with girls under 16 and controlling his internet access and peer to peer file sharing.

Evans will also have to participate in the Horizon programme for sex offenders.