A letter from Rev. John Powell, Cardigan

Dear Editor,

I notice that new signs have gone up along Gwbert Road in Cardigan. They indicate the end of calming zones. I have no objection to this, but it does seem anomalous that these are telling us the obvious, because of the restrictions imposed on the Gwbert Road stretch.

One could read them as saying that we do not have to be calm on the other roads coterminous with it. Of course, we should know that all built up areas should have a 30mph restriction on them.

Like so much speed signage on our roads, there is loose thinking that does not make sense and does not respond to the nature and environment of the roads. The new 20mph rules have caused even more confusion. The driver does not know if he/she is in a 20mph zone or a 30mph zone or a 40mph zone or a 50mph zone.

His/her concentration is centred on the speed limits and not the road itself. There is a section of road along the A484 where one comes out of a 40mph zone to enter a 50mph zone but is immediately met by a SLOW sign on the road and dangerous bends.

The worst aspect of the calming signs is that they are at the junction with Aberystwyth Road. I am against the 20mph policy of the Welsh Government, but do think that a 20mph limit should be imposed on the Aberystwyth Road because it is busy, there are many junctions, cars have to park on pavements, many people walk along this route, there are three supermarkets along it and there are no official crossings apart from the one near the Spar.

It is heavily used by cars, lorries and farm tractors with their heavy plant. There are no speed signs along the route. Not only that, but, traffic often exceeds a 30mph limit. Although I am against the present 20mph national strategy, I really do think that a 20mph limit should be imposed on Aberystwyth Road.

Yours faithfully,

Reverend John Powell, Cardigan.