Ceredigion residents can have a say on living in the county.

Residents have been asked to share their views on living in the county to help shape Ceredigion County Council's future planning and service delivery.

A public consultation called "Living in Ceredigion" is currently live.

This initiative allows residents to express their opinions on life in the county and their experiences of using council services.

By responding to this survey, residents can help the council to better understand what is important to them, their experience of their local area, and how they view and interact with the council.

Councillor Matthew Vaux, Ceredigion’s cabinet member responsible for public protection, said: "This is an important exercise for us to undertake in Ceredigion.

"Receiving residents’ views will help shape their local area and their local services, so it is important to hear from as many residents as possible across the county."

The consultation will close on October 31.

To complete the survey online, residents can visit the Ceredigion council website.

The consultation can also be downloaded and responded to on paper.

If a paper copy is required, residents should contact the council’s contact centre which can be reached at 01545 570881 or clic@ceredigion.gov.uk.