A WOMAN has been told to “buck up” or face prison after she attacked her own mum.

Prosecutor Regan Walters said police were called to an address on Station Road in Newcastle Emlyn on June 12 at around 5pm in response to a “domestic incident”.

When they arrived, two women were standing outside – one of whom identified themselves as the victim. A third woman, Leah Kelly, was seen walking towards the address, and was arrested.

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Mr Walters said that the victim had returned home at around 3.45pm and her 22-year-old daughter was still in bed. When she confronted her, Kelly replied ‘F*** off you fat c***’.

Kelly spat at her mother, punched her, and slapped her in the face. She also pushed her over a coffee table, before punching her again.

The defendant also wrapped a dressing gown cord around her mum’s head, which dropped down to around her neck.

She was reported to have been telling her mum to “hit her back” throughout the incident, Mr Walters said.

Kelly had also kicked a television during the incident.

As she was arrested, Kelly told one of the officers “I’m not well”, before adding “I’ve been hearing things – like voices” and saying that she had been taking drugs on a daily basis.

In her interview, the defendant told officers that her mum had “been horrible to her about her mental health” and maintained that the only physical contact between the two was “a push”. 

The victim didn’t make a statement to the police, but said she wanted her daughter to get help.

Kelly, who had no previous convictions, pleaded guilty to assault by beating and criminal damage.

Stuart John, in mitigation, said that the defendant’s drug taking had been an issue.

“The defendant has stated she has stopped taking cocaine and MDMA since this incident,” he said.

Mr John said Kelly had “an extremely toxic relationship with her mother”.

He added that Kelly, now of no fixed abode, struggled with not having a routine due to her unemployment.

Judge Huw Rees said: “If it hasn’t dawned on you by now, it should be dawning on you that it should be to you eternal shame what you did to your own mother.

“You had no justification at all for raising a hand to your own mother who brought you in to this world.

“You should learn to curb your temper. The time will come if you continue in that way that you will go to prison.

“So far in the last year or so, you have made a mess of things. You need to buck up.”

Kelly was sentenced to an 18-month community order, as part of which she must complete 80 hours of unpaid work and 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days.