This is the face of a son who exposed himself to his mother, spat and swore at her before assaulting and threatening to kill her.

Silviu Grigore, 35, of Llanybydder, was sentenced to 15 months in prison last week.

A sentencing hearing at Swansea Crown Court heard that Grigore had made his 66-year-old mother’s life a misery to the point where she felt tortured in her home.

The unemployed Romanian man would shout, swear and spit at his mother, call her a whore and demand money for alcohol.

Grigore would also expose himself to his mother and prior to the assault on May 17 this year, he had exposed himself and inserted a plastic bottle into his own rectum.

He blamed his mother, who he had lived with since they both moved to Llanybydder from Romania in 2021, for his lack of success in finding work.

On May 17 this year Grigore burst into his mother’s bedroom and making accusations and demanding money for alcohol.

He later drank four cans of alcohol and started shouting, screaming, cursing and spitting at his mother.

He made around ten threats to kill her, saying that if he went to prison he would come out and find her to kill her and calling her a whore.

Later that evening he grabbed his mother’s clothing around the chest area with both hands and shook her, again threatening to kill her.

Grigore initially denied the offences but changed his plea to guilty when the case came to crown court.

The court heard that his mother had been isolated from friends and family who would not visit due to Grigore’s behaviour.

She felt low and frightened to return home. She experienced loss of sleep and stress, felt that she had no strength left and couldn’t find peace in her daily life.

In his defence it was said that Grigore had lost his father at a young age and as a result he had taken on an adult role in the family. Leaving school while still a child which had had an impact on both his emotional and educational development. He had had a 'clear lapse' in his mental health at the time of the incident.

His offending behaviour was linked with drinking and he had expressed remorse for his actions towards his mother.

He has eight previous convictions for 12 offences, including one of battery and was subject to a court order when the May 17 offences took place.

Judge Mr Recorder G Bull KC handed down a 15-month prison sentence for the threats to kill with a four month concurrent sentence for the assault. Grigore will serve half of this in prison and half on licence.

The judge also imposed a five-year restraining order preventing Grigore from contacting his mother in any way.