A person in danger in the water off a popular local beach has been plucked to safety by a coastguard helicopter in a multi-agency rescue involving coastguards and local lifeboats.

Just before 7.16pm yesterday, Thursday, June 27, a member of the public contacted coastguards reporting a person in difficulty in the water off Llangrannog.

(Image: HM Coastguard New Quay)

Coastguard rescue teams from New Quay, Cardigan and Fishguard were tasked to the incident, as well as both New Quay lifeboats and the coastguard rescue helicopter.

New Quay Inshore Lifeboat (ILB) and All Weather Lifeboat) ALB were out on a training exercise so were quickly on the scene. The casualty had managed to get onto a rocky outcrop and was speedily located.

The ILB could not safely get to the casualty, the situation meant that coastguard rescue teams were unable to access the outcrop to undertake a rope rescue.

(Image: HM Coastguard New Quay)

It was decided that a helicopter winch rescue was the only option. Coastguard Rescue Helicopter 187 lowered a winch person onto the outcrop. In the meantime the coastguard rescue teams prepared a helicopter landing site on Llangrannog Beach.

The casualty was then safely winched to the beach where they were reunited with their family.

“This was a great example of emergency services working together,” said a spokesperson for New Quay Coastguard Rescue Team.

HM Coastguard Cardigan added: “It was great working with all the other services this evening and an excellent result with the person safe and well and back on shore with their family. Well done to all.

“If you see anyone in trouble around the coast, please dial 999 and ask for the coastguard.”