A protest was held at Aberystwyth University recently.

Protesters gathered on June 21 to contest a National Spectrum Centre (NSC) workshop event.

The NSC, a collaboration between the University and stakeholder QinetiQ, was being targeted due to QinetiQ's involvement, as a maker of military equipment, in arm exports to Israel.

Protesters at the demonstration said: "We don’t want to let NSC get away with a sanitised version of their workshop.

"We are here to protest against QinetiQ, through whom the UK and Wales are directly related to the genocide and ongoing oppression in Palestine."

The event was attended by members of the Cor Gobaith, and the protest was organised by Ceredigion Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Dyfi Valley Palestine Solidarity groups.

They voiced challenges such as "QinetiQ - blood on your hands!", "AU - shame on you!" and "Your profits are covered in Palestinian blood".

Further discussions were sparked on the NSC's proposed funding from the Mid Wales Growth Deal, being shortlisted for a £4m project.

A spokesperson for PSC Ceredigion said: "As citizens of this Nation of Sanctuary, we hope those on the Mid Wales Growth Deal board decide against providing funding to furthering arms and weapons tech development in Wales."

Critics are now questioning if Ceredigion and Powys councils will involve themselves in the NSC project due to its defence and security work on the university campus.

Alternative projects on the funding shortlist include those focusing on agriculture, rural enterprise, food, flood defences, and Aberystwyth University’s Green Futures Innovation Park.