A refurbished market hall is set to open next month and boost a town’s economy.

Cardigan Market Hall has gone through significant restoration work to repair and update its facilities.

The project was supported by the Transforming Towns programme and could also provide long term sustainability for market traders, unique retails experiences and improving dining options for Cardigan residents.

Tivyside Advertiser: Ceredigion County Council provided capital investment to help refurbish Cardigan Market Hall.Ceredigion County Council provided capital investment to help refurbish Cardigan Market Hall. (Image: Georgina Windsor)

Cabin secretary for planning, Julie James said: “With a focus on community facilities, improving visitor experience, making places more memorable and contributing to health and wellbeing, Cardigan Market Hall embodies what we are trying to achieve in our town centres across Wales.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to see first hand how our Transforming Towns Placemaking programme has been utilised to support the transformation of the market hall and look forward to its opening in June.”

Councillor Clive Davies added: “This is one of the major projects in Cardigan that's been benefiting from Transforming Towns funding alongside capital investment from Ceredigion County Council.

“Heritage buildings can be quite costly to renovate, and without this support we wouldn’t be able to bring this facility back into use for the town.

“The market is a real jewel and will bring in new business and encourage the return of the existing business community we have in Cardigan.”