They feared he was dead – but Costa the runaway rescue dog has astounded his searchers by turning up after five months in the wild in Pembrokeshire.

Costa, a three-year-old Newfoundland-cross, has been the focus of a huge hunt in the north of the county after he legged it off near Abereiddy at the end of September.

Since then, volunteers have put in hours of work while the big brown dog eluded them, braving storms, freezing temperatures and heavy rain.

Tivyside Advertiser: Newfoundland-cross Costa pictured before he went missing. His thick coat helped to protect him from the elements he encountered after his escape.Newfoundland-cross Costa pictured before he went missing. His thick coat helped to protect him from the elements he encountered after his escape. (Image: Greenacres Rescue)

Costa was being re-homed from Pembrokeshire’s Greenacres Rescue at Talbenny when he gave his new owners the slip by escaping from their car.

After many hours of work by his army of searchers, with doorbell cameras set up on posts by volunteers from Drone SAR for Lost Dogs UK, Costa was eventually lured to safety by some concentrated chicken broth inside a humane trap.

Tivyside Advertiser: The campaign to find Costa has been rewarded.The campaign to find Costa has been rewarded. (Image: Drone SAR for Lost Dogs UK)

Greenacres manager Mikey Lawlor is amongst those overjoyed by Costa’s return to the fold.

In a triumphant post on Facebook, he said: “After five long months, our boy is back, a bit tatty around the edges, but in pretty good condition considering he’s weathered the four hardest months of the year!

"This has taken many hours of dedicated work to get him safe and people working quietly behind the scenes.

Tivyside Advertiser: Safe at last, boy.Safe at last, boy. (Image: Greenacres Rescue)

"Huge thanks go to the fantastic Drone SAR For Lost Dogs UK for all their expert advice and their amazing volunteers Gemma and Steve Bamford, who operated the cameras and trap, spending many hours to get Costa safe.

"Also Sarah who lives locally to where he was sighted most, and was also a massive daily help.

"We cannot thank you all enough."

And in an update on Costa's condition, Miley added: "He’s eaten plenty of food and he’s nice and warm.

"Safe at last, boy." 

Costa is now being cared for by Greenacres and has passed a visit to the vet with flying colours.

"Costa is one lucky pup, and we couldn't be happier with his progress!" said a relieved Mikey.