Pembrokeshire has had a visit from acclaimed BBC TV naturalist Iolo Williams, who came to the county to talk to local schoolchildren and spot cetaceans off Strumble Head.

Iolo came to the county as a guest of conservation charity Sea Trust.

He visited Ysgol Bro Gwaun where, along with the Sea Trust team, spoke about Pembrokeshire’s amazing marine life and answered questions from Year 7 and Year 8 pupils.

The school’s Eco Committee then made a presentation on its plans to obtain Green Flag status for the school and its ongoing projects.

“We were blown away by the student's passion to protect their natural environment,” said Sea Trust founder, Cliff Benson.

Tivyside Advertiser: Iolo was 'blown away' by the students at Ysgol Bro Gwaun. Iolo was 'blown away' by the students at Ysgol Bro Gwaun. (Image: Sea Trust)

After this Iolo visited Strumble Head lookout, where he met Sea Trust’s team of dedicated Porpoise Photo-ID volunteers.

This project is one of only four worldwide and the only one in the UK. It has allowed the charity to develop the world's largest harbour porpoise catalogue from surveys four of different sites and is achieving results which were previously unheard of.

Iolo has long been a Sea Trust supporter.

"Iolo has been a friend and supporter of Sea Trust since the beginning, making personal appearances at our events to help publicise our work,” said Cliff.

"We met up almost thirty years ago protecting red kites from egg thieves up in the Cambrian Mountains when kites were still quite rare.


"Iolo was working with the RSPB at the time and I was one of a bunch of vigilante birdwatchers that camped up in the hills around Tregaron protecting the nests.

"Since then Iolo has gone on to a successful media career raising awareness of our wildlife and the need to protect it and I went on to found Sea Trust.

"We have remained good friends over the years. With Iolo what you see is what you get, a proud Welshman dedicated to protecting the wildlife and wild places of Wales."

Iolo previously said of the charity: "I want to help Sea Trust in every way that I can. The work and that of the many volunteers in recording our marine wildlife and making it available is invaluable if we are to protect our marine environment.”


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