HOMESCHOOLING in Ceredigion has risen by 821 per cent over the last decade, according to figures supplied through a Freedom of Information request.

Homeschooling providers Wolsey Hall Oxford say that 28 children were homeschooled in Ceredigion in 2013, yet that figure had leapt to 258 by 2022.

“In the last four years alone, Ceredigion has seen an overall rise in homeschooling of 52 per cent,” said a spokesperson.

“The number of primary-aged children being taught at home rose from 65 to 109 (67 per cent) and the number of secondary-aged children from 104 to 149 (43 per cent).

“These figures show that despite Covid-19 restrictions easing up, and schools re-opening, many parents have opted to continue homeschooling their children.

“They reflect a similar picture seen across the UK, as statistics show that there are now more than 71,515 homeschoolers – up from 59,559 in 2018 and 22,408 in 2013.

Wolsey Hall Oxford have been collating information from over 100 UK councils through FOIs.

“What seems very apparent is that those parents who chose to try homeschooling for the first time during Covid-19 have realised how beneficial online learning can be,” said Wolsey Hall Oxford Principal Lee Wilcock.

“Homeschooling allows children to learn at their own pace and at a time which suits them.

“It is a much more child-centred approach to education than is available in a traditional classroom.”

Other reasons for homeschooling cited by parents include:

• Lack of progress or underachievement at mainstream schools

• Frustration with teaching standards

• Concerns for their child’s safety/bullying

• Behavioural issues not suitably dealt with

• Medical reasons or learning difficulties inhibiting ability to learn in a conventional environment

• Travelling and expat families

• Gifted/higher learning potential students or those who are elite athletes/in the performing arts industry