A TREGARON teaching assistant has donated a fantastic £10,600 to the Bronglais Chemo Appeal after organising a 40-mile walk and tractor run with her family.

Carys Jones and more than twenty family and friends – including brother Aled Jones, sister Gwenan Hodgson and twin sister Caryl Jones – walked 40 miles in 24 hours from Tregaron rugby club to the Aberystwyth hospital and back.

Her uncle Rhydian Lloyd also organised a tractor run to and from the rugby club on a 14-mile rural route to boost the fundraising, which attracted more than thirty tractors.

And Aled’s partner Heulwen Evans raised £500 by running the Cardiff Half-Marathon.

“Our mum, Glenys, who is landlady at the rugby club, is currently having chemotherapy and she says the staff are brilliant,” said Carys.

“We are so lucky to have the day unit close to us and to have a purpose-built new unit with more privacy will be even better.

“I’m so chuffed to have raised over £10,000. Everyone has been so supportive. In a small community everyone pulls together,” added Carys, who works at Ysgol Carreg Hirfaen in Cwmann and lives in Llwynygroes.

Bridget Harpwood, Fundraising Officer for Hywel Dda Health Charities which is running the Appeal, said: “With the help of our local communities, our dream of having a brand-new, modern and fit-for-the-future unit to greatly improve the experience for our patients can become a reality.”

For further information on the Appeal go to: www.hywelddahealthcharities.org.uk