There is only one woman on Ceredigion council’s new executive group following the Plaid Cymru leader’s appointments.

Councillor Bryan Davies – who has taken over as leader of the council from Ellen ap Gwynn – announced his new cabinet members and slightly “tweaked” portfolios at full council on May 20.

He will oversee the democracy, policy, performance and partnership portfolio.

The previous cabinet had three female members including Mrs ap Gwynn, but now there is only new member Cllr Catrin Davies involved in executive decision making, with responsibility for the culture, leisure and customer service portfolio.

Cllr Alun Williams is now deputy leader, with Cllr Davies welcoming his wealth of experience, and he will also have responsibility for through age and well-being.

Cllr Clive Davies will take on the economy and regeneration portfolio and Cllr Gareth Davies finance and procurement services, while another new member Cllr Keith Henson will take over the highways, environmental services and carbon management portfolio.

A new face on the council Cllr Matthew Vaux will be in charge of the housing, legal and governance, people and organisation and public protection portfolio and Cllr Wyn Thomas schools, lifelong learning and skills.

At the meeting, which struggled with sound issues on the live broadcast to Facebook, political groups allocated members for the various committees and overview and scrutiny committees, with chairs and vice-chairs also appointed.