"Hywel Dda University Health Board cannot trample over people."

That's the reaction after a petition to retain A&E at Withybush Hospital reached 10,000 signatures over the weekend.

Save Withybush Campaign Group put up a petition on the Welsh Government website asking it to permanently retain a 24-hour consultant-led, accident and emergency department at Withybush Hospital.

It has now reached 10,000 signatures which means the Petitions Committee at the Senedd will consider it for debate.

Hayley Wood, of Save Withybush Campaign Group, said the petition raises serious questions about the plans.

Hayley said: "We feel this will send a clear message to Hywel Dda Health Board that they cannot trample over the people of Pembrokeshire and they must think again about their plans."

Tivyside Advertiser: In Febraury people protested against Hywel Dda's plans for WithybushIn Febraury people protested against Hywel Dda's plans for Withybush

The petition went live on February 16, 2022, and according to the campaign group, over 65 per cent who have signed it are from the catchment area served by Withybush Hospital.

A spokesperson for the Save Withybush Campaign questioned the health board's plans saying the potential site of the new west Wales hospital does not take into account the frail and elderly. 

"The fight to stop the health board in downgrading Withybush has been ongoing for too many years and downgrades are happening due to the health board’s failure to recruit medical staff, however this should not be a reason for them to downgrade much needed medical services."

There are plans to build a new hospital somewhere between Narberth and St Clears.

"Within the plans for where the new hospital is to be potentially sited, the Health Board have not considered those who are frail, the elderly, those with chronic conditions, those without transport and, equally as important, those who are on low incomes."

The Save Withybush Campaign have planned a rally for Saturday, April 23 from 12 to 1.30pm outside Withybush Hospital.

To see the petition go to https://petitions.senedd.wales/petitions/245093?