CARDIGAN Town Council have agreed to take over a disused town centre toilet block from Ceredigion County Council following continuing complaints about the shortage of public loos.

The toilets in Chancery Lane have been closed for a number of years following repeated attacks by vandals,

But Cllr Clive Davies believes they should be re-opened as a matter of urgency and is pushing for their transfer from County Hall.

“We’re obviously very keen to get them up and running again,” he said. “But they’re in a poor condition and Ceredigion need to bring them up to spec prior to transferring them over to us.”

And Cllr Davies urged members to accept a quote from Danco outlining cleaning and maintenance costs of £110 plus VAT for four days during the winter and £165 for six days plus VAT over the summer.

“The town precept is in place,” he reminded colleagues. “We could discuss this proposal at our budget meeting in January.”

Cllr Graham Evans recalled the town council had in the past spent ‘thousands of pounds’ repairing the loos following repeated acts of vandalism.

However, Cllr Davies said that the damage took place at night and a local businessman had now come forward to offer to open the toilets as well as close them each evening.

“Those toilets are centrally located in town, outside shops and there’s no hill to provide access issues,” commented Cllr John Adams-Lewis. “We should get them open as soon as possible and draw up a contract with Danco.”

However, town clerk Eleri Maskell revealed she was currently seeking a response from County Hall.

“I propose we get Ceredigion County Council to transfer the toilets back to us and that we then get Danfo to look after them,” said Cllr Davies.

“A lack of toilets is creating a really difficult situation for people in town.

“We just cannot allow this state of affairs to continue - this is something that really must be sorted as soon as is oractical.”

Cllr Catrin Miles stressed that the big difference this time round would be that the loos would be locked up at night.