A group of climate campaigners from Cardigan Extinction Rebellion and other groups have travelled to Glasgow to make their feelings known at the COP26 Climate Summit.

Peter Weldon, from Cwm Cou, went by bike, carrying a letter from Cardigan Town Council urging world leaders to take the necessary action needed to keep the world safer.

Some others went in a mini-bus "fuelled by vegetable oil", carrying food and equipment for the ‘Welsh Kitchen’ which has become well-known at Extinction Rebellion events.

There are members of the Cardigan group staying in a mobile home near Glasgow for the two week duration of the COP26 conference and have also been campaigning in many ways.

“We have to do all we can to hold our leaders to account and to push them to act,” said Jim Bowen, who is the director of Clynfyw Care Farm.

“We can see the effects of climate change in Wales and all over the world, but our leaders are still not taking it seriously enough.

"This is climate injustice and ecocide on a massive criminal scale, and it threatens us all.”

Cardigan Extinction Rebellion have also been demonstrating outside JPMorgan Bank, which they say "provides major finance for fossil fuel companies."

Cardigan XR member, Jane Mansfield, said: “I began being active in the movement after watching my community suffer a battering from floods and changing weather patterns.

"For me, COP26 is about fighting for my grandchildren's futures.”

Rallies are also being held in Wales on November 6, midway through the COP26 conference, in Holyhead, Bangor, Llangollen, Swansea and Cardiff.

Amongst the supporters travelling from Cardigan by bus to Cardiff is Philippa Gibson, who said: "At the COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow world leaders, negotiators, technology experts and scientists have 12 days to discuss the future of the planet.

"They need to reach agreement on urgent action to keep climate change under control.

"Climate scientists say that the reduction targets agreed at COP21 in Paris six years ago won’t be enough - they won’t keep us on track to limit global warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.

"If we carry on as we are, we’ll be above 3C heating by the end of the century, and the scientists know that that would be catastrophic for human civilization.

"We want to say ‘We’re watching you, and we want change now."

READ MORE: Cardigan climate campaigners head to summit in Glasgow

READ MORE: Peter receives message of hope to deliver by bike to COP26

READ MORE: Pete to cycle to deliver message of hope to climate summit