CLIMATE campaigners from Cardigan Extinction Rebellion and other local groups are heading to Glasgow to make their feelings known at the COP26 Climate Summit.

Jim Bowen, who runs the Clynfyw Care Farm near Boncath, Soo Hutchinson and Anna Bean said they would be travelling in a minibus fuelled by vegetable oil.

They are taking supplies for the ‘Welsh Kitchen’ which will be helping to feed the hundreds of campaigners who are campaigning in Scotland.

“We have to do all we can to hold our leaders to account and to push them to act,” said Jim.

“People in Madagascar are having to eat cactuses because there’s nothing else left.

"The United Nations has called it the world's first "climate change famine", where tens of thousands of people are already suffering catastrophic levels of hunger following four years of drought.

"We can see the effects of climate change all over the world, but our leaders are still not taking it seriously enough.

"This is climate injustice and ecocide on a massive criminal scale and it threatens us all.”

Meanwhile climate campaigners who are not going to Glasgow will be heading for rallies to show their support for "meaningful changes in policies" to tackle climate change.

There will be rallies throughout the world on Saturday, November 6, halfway through the COP26 conference.

In Wales, rallies have been organized in Holyhead, Bangor, Llangollen, Swansea and Cardiff.

Phillipa Gibson, of Cardigan Extinction Rebellion, said: "The COP26 Climate Conference has started in Glasgow and will continue until November 12.

"World leaders and scientists will have 12 days to discuss the future of the planet.

"They need to reach agreement on urgent action to keep climate change under control.

"Scientists say that the reduction targets agreed in Paris six years ago won’t be enough - they won’t keep us on track to limit global warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels

"If we carry on as we are, we’ll be above 3C heating by the end of the century.

"That would mean catastrophic devastation from floods, wildfires, heatwaves, leading to death, starvation and massive movement of peoples throughout the world.

"Crucially, the delegates in Glasgow need to make their targets for reducing Carbon emissions much more ambitious.

"The need to show clearly how they are realistically going to implement them in the short term as well as the longer term in order to reach Net Zero before 2050."

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