CARDIGAN Town Council are to consider ways of honouring the memory of a trio of renowned local musicians who passed away with weeks of one another this summer.

Richard and Wyn Jones were founders and mainstays of rock and pop legends Ail Symudiad, while David R Edwards, was leader of the highly-influential band Datblygu.

All three were former pupils of Cardigan Secondary School.

Paying tribute, Deputy Mayor Cllr Trystan Phillips described them as ‘three giants’ of the Welsh music scene.

“One can scarcely imagine the suffering of their families and their loss to Cardigan is great,” he added.

“All three made a huge contribution to the music of Wales.”

Cllr Sian Maehrlein said the town had also lost huge local characters such as well-known businessman Martin Radley and renowned DJ Tommo during the pandemic.

And Cllr Graham Evans felt the passing of Ar Ol Tri conductor Wyn Lewis should also be acknowledged in some way.

It was agreed to form a sub-committee to discuss ways of honouring such well-known individuals.

Back in the summer Theatr Felinfach revealed plans to stage ‘Ail Symudiad – The Musical’ were still ongoing.