THE leader of Ceredigion County Council has hit back after a Cardigan councillor called for the scrapping of both the county’s Covid safe zones and the local authority’s decision-making body Gold Command.

Cllr Elaine Evans said there was rising hostility in Cardigan over the continuation of the safe zone as well as growing dissatisfaction with decisions made by Gold Command acting under temporary delegated powers.

“It is time for Ceredigion Council to be restored to full democratic control,” she said. “People in Cardigan feel Cabinet are hiding behind the decisions taken by the Gold Command on issues like the establishment of the safe zones and the hostility is plain to see.”

But in a strongly-worded statement today, Cllr Ellen ap Gwynn suggested Cllr Evans had ‘misunderstood’ the pandemic situation.

“Gold Commands are set up under the Civil Contingencies Act in order to ensure preparation for and to deal with public emergencies of all kinds,” she said.

“As it stands the only members are officers who have to deal with the emergency, be that fire, flooding, public unrest, public health issues or any other emergency.

“Usually these emergencies are short-lived and are dealt with by officers with the relevant expertise. However, as we know the pandemic emergency seems to be never-ending and is somewhat different in nature to other emergencies.

“However, the legislation has not changed and, therefore, the membership of Gold Command does not include elected members.”

Cllr Gwynn said that since March 2020 she had been having regular meetings and briefings with Chief Executive Eifion Evans and the rest of the Cabinet.

“Our local elected members Elin Jones MS and Ben Lake MP together with our regional elected members have also been briefed regularly,” she continued.

“I have made a point of updating councillors as to the situation regarding Covid during all Cabinet and full council meetings ever since they reconvened virtually.

“All these meetings are broadcast on the council Facebook pages and matters have consequently been reported in the press.

“The present situation as regards Covid cases in Ceredigion is unfortunately not improving.

“While welcoming the huge influx of tourists to our local businesses we still need to be Covid-aware unfortunately.

“That is why we need Safe Zones again during this summer season. Our streets will be open once again at the end of the summer.

“We all hope that the end of this pandemic is declared as soon as possible so that we can return to normal. That decision is in the hands of UK Government and Welsh Government.”

She added: "The fact that there is no direct democratic input to Gold Command meetings has been raised at our regular WLGA weekly Council Leaders’ meetings but, there has been no move to change the current legislation."

Read Ellen ap Gwynn's full response in next week's Tivyside.