Huge damage has been done by the COVID-19 Pandemic but also by the “lockdown” measures put in place to try to contain it. This means that there is a huge amount of restoration to be done in order to repair this damage.

The Church in South India is the first church in the world to become ecumenical where churches of different denominations have joined together and worked together. It is recognized as a leading force on ecological action in India. Part of the reason for this is its Green School programme. The Church of South India, as it is called, instils in children and young people the Godly value of caring for the environment. Their Green Schools programme is crossing continents. 10 of their schools in India are twinning with schools in the Diocese of Oxford. They have also published a book called “The Green God of the Bible”. It is, after all, our young people who will have to help re-build our society and save the world around them. It is up to us to encourage them. We are grateful to our local schools who, through the inspiration of their teachers, encourage our local children to learn about and be involved in this important work.

In the Gospel of St Luke chapter 2 and verse 41 to 52, we read how Jesus reminds us of the wisdom and leadership of young people. His parents went every year to the Temple in Jerusalem for the Festival of Passover. This time they went when Jesus was 12 years old. As they were returning, they realized that Jesus was not with them. They eventually found him in the Temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking questions. All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. We are reminded of Jesus’ words when he was an adult: “Unless you become like a little child, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven”.

Let us pray that this year will be year of Restoration and that our schools can return to full time education


Restore, O Lord,

in all the earth your fame,

and in our time revive

the Church that bears your name.

And in your anger,

Lord, remember mercy,

O Living God

Whose mercy shall outlast the years.

Text: Graham Kendrick (b.1960) and Chris Rolinson. Music, Graham Kendrick and Chris Rolinson

Adnewydda f’ysbryd, Arglwydd,

ar dy ddydd, ac yn dy waith;

llanw f’enaid â gorfoledd

i,m gwroli ar fy nhaith:

gyda’r awel gud im glywed

llais o’r nef yn eglur iawn

yn cyhoeddi bod i’m henaid

heddwch a gollyngdod llawn.

E Aeron Jones (1826-1906)


Father of everlasting compassion

you see your children growing up

in an uncertain and confusing world:

show them the path of life

enable them to triumph over failure and frustration

to hold fast their faith in you

and to keep alive their joy in your Creation;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Dad y tosturi diddiwedd,

‘rwyt yn gweld dy blant yn tufu

Mewn byd ansicr a dryslyd:

dangos iddynt ffordd y bywyd,

galluoga nhw i oresgyn methiant a rhwystredigaeth,

i ddal gafael yn eu ffydd ynot ti

ac i gadw’n fyw eu llawenydd yn dy Gread di;

trwy Iesu Grist ein Harglwydd, Amen.

(Eglwys Talaith Deheudir Affrica)