The Cambrian Mountains Initiative, an organisation that supports upland communities in an area stretching from north of Pumlumon through the Elenydd, to Llanllwni and Brechfa in the south has released a study into how landscape status for the area could be achieved.

The study found that the Cambrian Mountains are one of the heartlands of Welsh language and culture, are highly valued for their landscape and nature, and that the communities and their ways of life are firmly rooted in land use and management.

The study suggests that the communities themselves, working with Welsh Government and others, could design and then sign up to a charter that would be used to create a new type of designation or status.

The aim of the status would be to help make sure that the Cambrian Mountains is economically and environmentally sustainable, looking after nature and supporting the people who have done so much to create the landscape.

Ieuan Joyce, of the Cambrian Mountains Initiative said: “This study outlines a new approach to landscape status that could avoid issues associated with other types of landscape designation while achieving many benefits for our often-overlooked area.

"Our experience is that new ideas and working together with the assets we have can bring real benefits – for example through the widely acclaimed Cambrian Mountains Astrotrail and through our work on jointly branding the Cambrian Mountains.”

The Cambrian Mountains Initiative believe the innovative approach to creating recognition for the area could bring many advantages including support for the development of cultural and local produce enterprises, for farming and tourism businesses, vibrant communities and as a focus for climate change, for example through the abundant peat bogs, carbon rich soils and forests.

Esther Wakeling, of the Dyfodol Cambrian Futures project that commissioned the study, said: “This study gives us the opportunity to begin to develop a ‘made in the Cambrian Mountains’ model to secure our upland way of life far into the future. However, to take it forward it needs to be suited to what the people of the area want – we really want to hear your views and I encourage you to get in touch.”

The initiative is seeking the views of Cambrian Mountains communities and everyone who works in or visits the area. An online survey can be found at and more information is available on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram #cambrianmountains or email Esther Wakeling at