PLANS to divert traffic along narrow single-track lanes while a main road is shut for repairs have been shelved after an outcry from local residents.

The B4332 between Abercych and Cenarth was due to be completely closed from Monday, January 4 for 10 weeks.

The road is in need of major repairs but a planned diversion would take all traffic – including HGVs – along narrow, twisting, unclassified roads without any designated passing places.

The route would go past Aberdwylan holiday park, up to Towerhill and then on to Penrherber and back round to rejoin the A484 at Cenarth.

And while work is still due to start on the B4332 on Monday, traffic lights will now be in place for the first few weeks while highways engineers try to come up with an alternative diversion.

One resident said: “It’s just not practical. Whoever came up with this has just looked at a map while sat in an office.

“They have no idea how unsuitable the roads are and how dangerous it would be. It’s difficult enough if you meet someone in the wrong place when the roads are quiet, but sending all the traffic off the B4332 is madness and a recipe for disaster. It's an accident waiting to happen.

“There is nowhere to pull in and it will be chaos when two lorries meet. Grass verges are flooded and sodden. Do they want to kill or seriously injure someone because that is what is going to happen.”

Another resident added: “Under lockdown, we are not allowed to travel and therefore the only option open to us if we want to exercise is to walk along these narrow back roads. It would just be too dangerous if it was used as a diversion route.”

Carmarthenshire County Council executive board member for the environment, Cllr Hazel Evans, said: “Following some feedback from the public, our engineering and traffic management teams are revising the works and reviewing the diversion routes.

“The works will start on January 4 but with traffic signals only so the road will remain open for the first few weeks.

“Sections of the B4332 need to be reconstructed and we will need to close the road for this but we are reviewing the diversion routes and will be discussing them with neighbouring authorities.

“Properties along the section of road being closed will be notified in advance and traffic signs will be put in place to warn motorists.”