CARDIGAN Brioude Twinning Committee did not let lockdown get in the way of a virtual visit to their French twin town.

With both Brioude and Cardigan having new mayors - Jean Luc Vachelard and Cllr Clive Davies - twinning chair Catrin Miles set up an eight-way on-line zoom chat.

Cllr Davies - in front of a stunning aerial backdrop of Cardigan town - was able to chat with his Brioude counterpart plus members of the French town's twinning committee.

They were able to swap tales of life under lockdown on both sides of the Channel.

The zoom initiative was the first time the twinners had met online in the committee's 48 year history.

Cardigan's twinners were due to be out in Brioude for the biennial Faire Expo last weekend, but have postponed their visit to next year. There are plans for further celebrations in Cardigan to mark the 50th twinning anniversary in 2022.

Mayor Cllr Clive Davies said: "It was a privilege to take part in the first ever video conference between our two communities, being able to catch up with long-established friends and discussing the challenges that lie ahead for both towns.”

And twinning committee chair Catrin Miles added: “It was an opportunity to thank the outgoing Mayor, Jean-Jacques Faucher, for 25 years loyal and solid leadership of the Municipal Council in Brioude and his total support of the twinning movement, and wish him well in his retirement.

"For information, during this same period, Cardigan has appointed 18 different mayors to chair Town Council.

"The newly-elected Mayor, Jean-Luc Vachelard, is director of the St Julien Lycee (sixth form college) in Brioude so we look forward to fostering new links, as well as renewing historic ones, as we prepare for the 50th anniversary in 2022.”