CLYNFYW Care Farm was named runner-up at the prestigious Rural Business Awards 2019/20.

The Abercych-based Community Interest Company, which supports disabled and vulnerable people using meaningful projects as tools for learning, just missed out on the top award in the best rural diversification project section at an awards ceremony in Manchester.

The winner was The Grey Sheep Company based in Hampshire, which returned an ancient farmstead back to its traditional methods, producing ethical hand-dyed British knitting yarns.

Addressing the businesses on the night, Paul Scully MP, Minister for Small Business, said: “Rural businesses make a vital contribution not only to their local communities, but to the UK economy as a whole, and it is fantastic to recognise that with these awards.”

Despite missing out on the top prize, it was still a great achievement for Clynfyw to make it to the final six in the UK, winning the Welsh award on the way.

Jim Bowen, Clynfyw Care Farm manager, said: "We have around 40 people that visit the care farm on a regular basis for our day service.

"The projects are based around the interests and needs of the people that come here, so we do everything from arts and crafts, drama and music to growing projects, apple juicing and charcoal making.

"We also run projects which allow people to contribute and make a difference, one of our most successful being ‘The Wheelie Good Idea’ where we fix wheelchairs, bikes and mobility aids and send them in shipping containers to those in need in South Africa.

"The project was launched after a few people said they had an interest in fixing things such as bicycles, and now we are making a positive difference on a global scale.”

Two shipping containers full of refurbished wheelchairs and mobility aids recently left Clynfyw heading for London Gateway Port and from there they will travel to Durban, South Africa where the contents will be distributed to people who need them around kwaZulu Natal and further afield.

"We are a huge advocate of care farms and are keen to see more established so that vulnerable people in rural areas aren't left behind as we see more and more funding cuts to services,” added Jim.