Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to statements in your paper, made by Tai Ceredigion regarding the removal of equipment from the play area in Maesglas. The only vandalism caused on these items was made by the people taking them down. Why did they not advise us they were going to dismantle the play area, should they not have put up signage stating their reasons for doing so ? One spokesperson was asked why the residents were not informed, the response, ` you did not ask us `, it appears we need to be clairvoyant as well as vigilant !!

Irresponsible behaviour puts lives in danger, another stupid statement to make, they only had small pieces of paper tied to the gates of the surround. Would six or seven year old children understand, when they have found some one had taken their items away. Vandalism has been bandied about by those sitting in their ivory towers, have they not heard of wear and tear ? Surely, if the powers to be are that concerned why were the items not maintained to the required standard, they are the ones at fault preventing young kids playing in one of the safest play grounds in Ceredigion.

Now they have said taking down the items is in no way connected with the application to build on the site------of course it has, who does Steve Jones thinks he is kidding, does he think we are daft. This is the man who supposedly slept rough in Cardigan to highlight the homeless, are there any homeless people in town sleeping on the streets ---- I rest my case !!

We even have a decision by the Welsh Assembly in our favour, does this not count for anything, if there is anyone who is prepared to give us advice regarding this, `irresponsible behaviour ` by Tai Ceredigion it would be greatly appreciated.

Finally, I believe Tai Ceredigion should give Mr Jones an award, The DCM ( Dont Come Monday).



Member of the North Cardigan

Action & Support Group.