Dear Editor,

May I respectfully suggest the reason why the over-60s are much more sceptical about renewal energy than the younger generation (Tivyside Comment 24th September ) is that they have a lifetime of experience behind them, enabling them to come to much more worldly and astute observations.

Shamefully, it is green energy advisers such as Brian Mark who would take advantage of the lack of knowledge and experience in the young, and a classic example of his misinformation and the muddying of the waters is when he claims that hydro does not produce the energy generated by wind generators (Tivyside 24th Sep, 2013). Such unmitigated nonsense when in Wales we have the 56MW Rheidol Hydro Power Station, the 360MW Ffestiniog and the 1,728MW Dinorwig Pumped-Storage schemes, and all using water to drive their turbines! Perhaps Brian Mark can enlighten readers (whilst keeping a straight face) how much installed capacity in Megawatts we have from wind generation in Wales – better still, the annual power generation from wind!

Dave Haskell
