Local politicians have marked World Kidney Day by pledging their support to the Donate Wales Campaign. Adam Price MP and Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM have given their support to the donation drive which has been funded to the tune of £70,000 by the One Wales Government. The campaign carries a hard hitting message designed to encourage more people to register as organ donors.

Adam Price MP said: "There are hundreds of people in Wales in need of a transparent. Many people in Carmarthenshire are suffering as a result of a lack of donors. World Kidney Day is the ideal time to think about registering to be a donor and giving the gift of life to someone."

Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM added: "Figures show 905 of people in Wales support organ donation yet only 27% are actually registered donors. The donate Wales campaign backed by the One Wales Government has had a very positive impact but more still needs to be done. We are urging people throughout the county to take that step and become a registered donor."